Franziska is our cumulus nimbus. A meteorologist by training, Franziska has already seen where the Earth is imminently heading and tries to save people through the joy of dreadful laughter. A quick and witty robot with a few loose ends, she will go from the north pole to the south pole in search of the truth.. because truth is comedy. Franziska plays in Improvement, the no-one-can-ever-say-the-name-correctly Yachtlosple and Going Dutch.
Sverre is our smooth operator. As smooth as Tobias Fünke from Arrested Development, whom he models his acting career after. Sverre likes to explore the world without having to prepare any suitcases, which is exactly what improv is. He watches obscene amounts of Masterchef and cries when a contestant burns their pastry. He might have a crusty exterior, but he has a soft heart. Sverre is a trained theatre actor, performing in high-end productions of Shakespeare and playing a bear for children’s theatre, and 1/2th of the most successful narrative duo Pinterquint with partner Arne, and 1/4th of the powerhouse Funkelquint team with Craig Uhlir and Stacey Smith.
Photo: Frederik Tellerup
Eivind is our jolly court jester. He's a viking, but a modern viking. The one who sits in circles and sings baby songs. His penchant to entertain has forever been there since his days being a Jan Banan. Eivind once parachuted and had to cut the chute in mid-air as an emergency procedure. Also, he and his little brother were crimefighting racoons who designed video games. Those two facts are linked to one another. Eivind has performed in the Norway, US and Estonia in Alice in Improvland, and plays with Sverre Breian in The Bald and The Beautiful, and a castmember of Impro Neuf International presents Cloud Atlas.
Photo: Frederik Tellerup
Elin is our Superwoman. A dynamo of a player, she was raised and toughened up with impro battles in the rainy hills of Bergen with the name Kal-Elle. Later she teleported in a rocketship to Oslo where the modestly brighter sunshine gave her ten times the power of normal beings. Elin is a crucial engine in Impro Neuf, driving forces of After Eight Tits and Goal Diggers and training young warriors in impro battles and one of the seven castmembers of Impro Neuf International presents Cloud Atlas.
Magnus is our familiar face guy. He appears in TV and film randomly and intensely before they cut to commercials for being too intense. Magnus found joy in making people laugh that, midway to mid-life, he declared that he would be improvising until 98 years old. He prepares for it by playing a lot of old man characters. Magnus is a master at facial gestures which can only get more intense with wrinkles.
Photo: Frederik Tellerup
Helene is our sunshine. When she walks by, flowers bloom in her grace, even in the middle of Norwegian January. When she sings like a hummingbird, she compensates for the rest of the Speakeasy’s lack of tune. Helene is a trained nutritionist, and knows what’s the best recipe for a healthy life: laughter.
Photo: Runhild Heggem / Studentenes Fotoklubb
Robin is our pilot of chaos. He thinks every day is a science fiction episode, that starts with “Captain’s Log..”. Robin has been around the block improvising in Norway since the very origins of Impro Neuf and in Denmark. When Scandinavia gets too cold he would fly south like the bird for Africa Burn.
Jack is the glue that binds us together. His inspiration? Sticky bacteria. When not having life under a microscope, he is an accomplished Shakespearean actor. Late in life he has become an improviser. O how the mighty have fallen. Jack would like to inform you that his favorite fishes are beautiful cichlids. They are pretty tasty, too.
Photo: Frederik Tellerup
Kristin is our historian and fairy tale specialist. She pops out of folk museums and tells kids of the days of yore when fish was rotten and cheese was brown. Kristin had dark thoughts of leaving improv, but something always pulls her back for more. We are glad that her heart will go on. That's a reference to Titanic, by the way, which she has successfully avoided her entire life.
Photo: Frederik Tellerup
Benedicte is our cracking fire starter. When others run away, she jumps in and dances with the flames. Benedicte was a stand-up artist who like improv and is now an improviser who likes stand-up. She has fears of growing up to be a cat lady, so instead, she collects plants as pets. When not outside playing with fire, she chills with her cactus.
Photo: Frederik Tellerup
Andreas is our beats master. A sound engineer and a DJ, he is most at peace when the music is loud and controlling his heartbeat. But just as you think cool DJs can't be nerds, he will take on any challenges 1v1 in Starcraft where he is a top 5% of the world Diamond. Andreas uses improv to train himself to listen to people more than other sounds.
Photo: Frederik Tellerup